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Song 43

Sep 27, 2023

This week I'm at home and ready to launch a kickass new microphone from Shure, the SM7dB. Listen in on how I'm gearing up, how I'm sick again and how I'm a little bit over it.

This episode was recorded on the SM7dB via the MVX2U and mixed on SE215 earphones.


Sep 20, 2023

I'm in Chicago again this week for a new program at Shure. Listen as I fill you in on the details of the program, the ever-present quirks of The Palmer House and the challenges of wedding singing.


This week's episode was recoreded on the Shure MV88+ using SE215 earphones and AONIC 40 headphones.

Sep 13, 2023

Heads up, this might be the worst and shortest episode I've ever recorded. I was sick. My voice sounds nasally, I was tired and I kept it short and sweet. That said, it does feature a sneak peek at where Rise Up is currently and starts with me attempting to record the show while riding my Peloton. So there's that.


Sep 6, 2023

This weeks finds me in New York City at the tail end of Labor Day weekend where it's over 90 degrees as summer is supposedly coming to a close. Hear one of my most vivid and embarassing memories that happened once upon a time in NYC in August of 1995. 

Song 43 was recorded while holding the MV88+ in my hand (see here...