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Song 43

Oct 26, 2022

Life is not always smooth sailing for creators, especially when anxiety and depression hits at unexpected times. On this week's episode, I talk about how I had an inspiring week full of highs last week which then led to a bit of a crash when Monday came. I also talk about how Pretend is coming along and give a...

Oct 19, 2022

This week finds me in my hotel room in Carlsbad, CA where I'm attending the Women of NAMM (WON) Leadership Summit. It's been a killer two days of self-reflection and learning with some of my industry's best and brightest and I'm taking it all in. 

Learn about a newsletter I've been putting out over on LinkedIn and hear...

Oct 12, 2022

Here we are friends,  episode 20! I have been talking about myself for the past 19 weeks and thought it was high time to bring on some friends and hear how they weave creativity into their busy lives. This week's episode features one of my oldest and dearest friends, Chris Burke, an incredible singer and entertainer....

Oct 5, 2022

This episode is all about new tools that Laura has learned about over the past two weeks, so if you want to geek out and learn about podcasting and livestreaming software - this is the one for you. Laura talks about Descript, Ecamm Live, LinkedIn, Casio and more and ends the show with a new tune that's a work in...