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Song 43

May 31, 2023

This week finds me trying to keep track of all of the activities and things while trying to re-invent Rise Up for the album. I can't wait to dig in, but will I find the time? 

Download Rise Up

Check out Rise Up featured in the Casio CT-S100V...

May 24, 2023

This week's episode is late. My life is late. I'm perpetually running 5-10 minutes/hours/days behind these days, and thus here I am getting this podcast out before work begins. Can you relate? 

Listen to a live rendition of my unreleased song, 'Yours' that I decided to play to feed the creativity beast. Is it perfect?...

May 17, 2023

I'm in pain all the time. Whether it's my hip (which I already had surgery on, listen to Episode 10 to learn more), my hands, my knees or my neck - I'm always in some kind of pain. It's not something I talk about outside of my inner circle - mainly because I feel like a burden or a nutjob most of the time for having all...

May 10, 2023

This week's episode finds me in my jammies, trying to squeeze in a recording when I should be sleeping. As I was recording, I decided to track a verse and chorus of the song that I share at the end of the show, because what's more fun than extra time pressure? MORE time pressure!

Check out Pete Wilhoit and Marc...

May 3, 2023

This week's episode talks about the pitfalls of listening to the critics and the joy of realizing that while it stings, but I also just don't care. 


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